

Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 110!

About Pack 110: First established in 1944, Cub Scout Pack 110 is based in Gladwyne, Pennsylvania and is open to children of all genders in the area who attend any school and are in grades K-5th. Pack 110 is focused on Purposeful Fun for Families.

Our Merion Square Scout House, located in the heart of Gladwyne on Conshohocken and Youngsford Roads, is the gathering place for many of our activities. You will also find us participating in community events, hiking through the woods, or roasting s'mores around a campfire.

Want to learn more about this program in 3 minutes? Visit this link to watch a quick video: https://www.scouting.org/programs/cub-scouts/

We invite you to join the fun this year with Pack 110.  Register today!

Contact our Pack Recruiter at recruiter@pack110gladwyne.org or Cubmaster Brian Lewis at cubmaster@pack110gladwyne.org with questions. 



Time to Renew Pack Membership for 2024-2025!

Posted on Jan 28 2025 - 10:05am

Time to renew your Pack membership for 2024-25.

In past years, all Scouts' annual renewals were conducted at the end of the year. However, in 2024, Scouting America updated guidelines for collecting dues based on a Scout's (or Leader's) join date. Scouts who joined in 2024 or later will have a renewal date based upon when they joined.  Scouts who joined before 2024 all have an annual renewal date of December 31.  This update requires Scouts and Leaders to renew using their my.scouting.org account and to pay their Scouting America and Cradle of Liberty Council portion of their dues directly.  As a result, annual pack membership has been reduced from $200 to $100 to account for the fees you will pay directly.  This amount all goes to Pack 110 and will be used to keep our programs going!

The annual Pack fee includes:

Upcoming events

Posted on Jan 28 2025 - 9:48am

The Pinewood Derby date is set!

Hold March 15 from 9 AM to 12:00 PM at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church.  
Car dropoff and impounding will be the day before, March 14th from 7-8 PM.

We will be holding a work day at the Scout House on March 1st, time to be decided.

Raingutter Regatta - December 7

Posted on Dec 4 2024 - 3:05pm

UPDATE: Have you signed up yet?  You can make sure we have you in the bracket by signing up [on the event page] (login required)

The Pack 110 Raingutter Regatta will be held on December 7, 2024, at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian [map here].  This event is always a great deal of fun and gives many of our scouts their first opportunity to build something fun.  Let's see some great ideas, kids!

Scouting For Food - don't forget your door hangers!

Posted on Nov 9 2024 - 1:54pm

This week is the prep week for Scouting for Food!  Make sure you put your door hangers out in your neighborhood so that neighbors are ready to put out their bags.  Saturday and Sunday are the best days to put them out if you can.

If you need door hangers, check with your den leader or email Cubmaster Brian at cubmaster@pack110gladwyne.org.

We will collect the morning of the 16th and deliver to the food pantry that morning.

Reminder: Update the Hiking Log!

Posted on Oct 1 2024 - 12:33pm

Thank you to everyone who came out for our September Pack Hike yesterday afternoon!

Parents, don't forget to update the Hiking Log for your Scout. This is how we track miles hiked towards the 50-mile Hiking Award.

Fall Camping Trip

Posted on Sep 23 2024 - 3:56pm
What: Pack 110 Fall Camping Trip
When: Friday evening October 18- Sunday morning October 20
The location is only about 45 minutes away, so you are welcome to join for all or part of the weekend. 
Cost: $35 per person (child or adult)- includes all meals and snacks
Register and pay through the Pack 110 web site! 
More information will be provided on schedule, what to bring, what to expect, etc. 
Please reach out with any questions. Hope to see you there! 
Registration deadline is Wednesday October 11 to give our amazing outdoor chairs time to plan meals and other needs. Thank you! 
Camping Trip Meal Form- please complete this google form to tell us what meals you will  be attending- this is very helpful! 
October Pack Hike is Saturday, October 19th as part of the camping trip.


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